Viewing articles tagged 'HTML'

 Countries of the word list, ready to be inserted in HTML forms

This code is ready to be copy/pasted into an HTML form, to make available all the countries of...

 How to Create a Question and Answer (QAPage) Schema Markup using Microdata

Question and answer page (Q&A Page) schema markup is a type that is used for pages...

 How to insert a Youtube video in WHMCS knowledgebase article

To insert a YouTube video in an article of the WHMCS knowledge base, you need to insert following...

 How to show domain name in HTML or PHP

If you need to show the domain name in a HTML page, you can do it using following javascript...

 Simple HTML Contact Form Using PHPMailer

This is a very basic example of an HTML contact form using PHPMailer to send an email with data...