Viewing articles tagged 'WHMCS'
To set the image to be used in social condivision (i.e. Facebook), insert in header.tpl following...
Check User Data for Better WHMCS SecurityThis hook checks user data, in order to prevent the user from registering or later editing his...
Domain Custom Fields for .it Domain Management Using DomainRegister WHMCS ModuleIn order to manage .it domains using DomainRegister WHMCS module, you should add the following...
DomainRegister WHMCS Registrar Module - install and setup1 - open a ticket in Reseller Support department, asking us to enable you to API usage(note: you...
EURO VAT Rules for WHMCS (updated to 03/10/2024)Tax rules to set in WHMCS ( /admin/index.php?rp=/admin/setup/payments/tax ) Name Tax rate...
Hook to create a fake invoice in WHMCSThis hook creates a fake, empty pro-forma invoice each time another pro-forma invoice is paid....
How to add a cookie bar to WHMCSIn order to add a cookie bar to your own installation of WHMCS: copy somewhere on your WHMCS...
How to add a favicon in WHMCSTo add a favicon to your WHMCS install: copy your favicon (es. myfavicon.ico) in WHMCS folder...
How to add SEO META TAGS in WHMCS pagesIn order to add custom META TAGS in EHMCS pages for SEO purposes, you need to edit your current...
How to comment in template (.tpl) filesIf you need to insert a comment in a .tpl file, or comment a block of code to disable it, you...
How to debug Smarty code in production environmentIf you need to debug Smarty code in a production environment, without the issue that debug popup...
How to disable a customer to pay invoices partly with credit balancein WHMCS if a customer has not enough credit balance for full payment of an invoice, WHMCS allows...
How to enable PHP errors logging in WHMCSTo enable PHP error logging in WHMCS, for testing and debugging purposes: Go to Setup ->...
How to insert a Youtube video in WHMCS knowledgebase articleTo insert a YouTube video in an article of the WHMCS knowledge base, you need to insert following...
How to Insert Google Analytics Tracking Code in WHMCSWHMCS has a free add-on that allows you to easily insert Google Analytics tracking code. But if...
How to prevent the user to use different currenciesIt may happen that, for various reasons, you need to configure different currencies in your...
How to reduce the number of available languages in WHMCSWHMCS comes with a lot of available languages for its interface, few of them also quite exotic.So...
How to use extended HTML tags in WHMCS products descriptionWhen you compile and edit the description of a product in WHMCS, you can use simple HTML tags,...
How to use for a product group a cart different than the presetFor each product group in WHMCS we can set the cart to be used to present it and process the...
How to use icons in WHMCS to select the language in client areaTo use graphic icons (i.e. flags) instead of a text menu in client area to allow the user the...
simple php script to barely import domain records into WHMCSIf the number of domains to be imported in your WHMCS is not huge (i.e., less than 200 domains),...
Tricks for formatting knowledgebase posts in WHMCSTo insert sample help text to be visualized during hover with the mouse: use the <abbr>...
Useful MySQL queries for WHMCSThis query replace companyname with firstname and lastname of customer, when companyname is not...
WHMCS - Automated Log Cleaning HookThis hook performs various WHMCS log garbage collection, done daily. This hook runs daily, at a...
WHMCS - How to Ask for a Trustpilot Review After a Positive Feedback on a Support TicketIf a user gave positive feedback to a support ticket, this may be a good moment to ask him for a...
WHMCS - How to Automatically Set User Custom Nameservers During CheckoutIt may happen that a customer (a web agency, a domain and hosting reseller or a webmaster) does...
WHMCS - How to Determine PHP Variables Available in a Certain HookIt is not always easy to determine which PHP variables are available and defined within a given...
WHMCS - how to Disable Partial Automatic Credit Application to an InvoiceYou can configure your WHMCS in order to automatically apply any available credit on a user's...
WHMCS - How to rearrange menu items in Store menuIf you need to rearrange the "Store" menu in WHMCS, directing single items on custom pages...
WHMCS - How to Recover Client Custom Fields Value in TPL Smarty FilesWhen you create a client customfield, it's available in .tpl files in two different Smarty...
WHMCS - How to Remove "Choose Currency" Menu Item from CartIf you want to remove "Choose Currency" option from the cart (and so forcing the user to use just...
WHMCS - How to Set a Language-based page redirectIf you manage different languages for your WHMCS site, it may happen that the same "static" page...
WHMCS - How to Temporary Disable 2FA For a Single AdminIf an admin lost his 2FA key, and wants to reset his 2FA access, it's possible with the following...
WHMCS - Interacting with the Database - Sample CodeWHMCS documentation about database management is very essential and incomplete, lacking any real...
WHMCS - logActivity() , a undocumented but useful functionTo create a log entry in WHMCS there's the LogActivity API (...
WHMCS - Parameters Available in ClientAreaDomainDetailsOutput HookIn the ClientAreaDomainDetailsOutput WHMCS hook, the structure of data available in the function...
WHMCS Client Details Available in Templates (.tpl) FilesIn customizing WHMCS client area, several client details are easily available as a predefined...
WHMCS Enhanced Auto Release HookThis simple WHMCS hook adds few details about services managed by the WHMCS auto-release module....
WHMCS Hook to Switch Language According to User's Browser LanguageThis hook allows to automatically switch WHMCS language, according to the default language set in...
WHMCS, Maintenance Mode and Cron JobsWHMCS has a "Maintenance mode" option, that will prevent your customers from accessing the Client...
DomainRegister TLD Sync for WHMCS Registrar ModuleIf you have installed our free DomainRegister's Registrar Module, you got also the Registrar...
Known issues and coming soon features for DomainRegister Registrar Module for WHMCSKnown issues case #2101 - Expiration date not properly updated during domainsync for multi/year...