If you have installed our free DomainRegister's Registrar Module, you got also the Registrar TLD Sync tool, which allows the import into your WHMCS install of domain extensions and pricing.
On import, a markup amount of either a percentage or a fixed amount can be applied automatically, as well as a rounding amount from a range of options.
You can access this feature at Utilities > Registrar TLD Sync > DomainRegister
Sync Options
Set the desired margin type and profit margin options for the import process:
- Margin Type — Percentage or Fixed. The type of markup to apply to the imported extensions.
- Profit Margin — Numerical. Depending on the Margin Type value, the amount to apply to the imported extension registrar pricing.
- Round to Nearest — Choose the number to round up to when setting the import pricing. For example, x.95 will set all pricing to the next .95.
- Sync Redemption/Grace Fee — Whether to import the redemption and grace fees and apply the same markup. Not all registrars support a grace fee.
- Automatic Registration — switch to YES to auto register with DomainRegister.
"Auto-select TLDs associated with Registrar" Button
Click to automatically select all configured TLDs within the WHMCS installation to automatically setup and register them with DomainRegister.
"Import x TLDs" Button
To perform the import process, click this button.
Extension List
After the system obtains the TLD and pricing information from DomainRegister, you will see a list of all available TLDs in categories.
For each TLD, you will see:
- the selling status,
- the minimum registration period (usually 1 year),
- cost price.
For TLDs that you are already selling, you will also see:
- the current selling price in bold and the markup for each of the pricing options: Register, Renew, Transfer, and Redemption.
(note: WHMCS wrongly uses the word "margin", but the value showed is not a "margin", but a "markup". Sorry, but this is a WHMCS issue, and we can't fix it) - a button "Pricing" to access their usual WHMCS domain pricing matrix tool.
This allows you to quickly make manual adjustments to the selling pricing of a TLD.
Like all pricing in WHMCS, making changes to product or domain pricing here applies to new orders only. The existing domains will retain the prices from the time of their signup or order. To adjust pricing for existing customers, see WHMCS Bulk Pricing Updater.
The system groups TLDs by category using WHMCS's category mapping provided. These are the same categories that display domain pricing within the shopping cart.
A single extension may appear in more than one category. Selecting the extension in one category will automatically select it in any category it appears in.
If a category is empty or the currently-selected domain registrar does not return any TLDs, the category will not display.
Import Complete
After completion of an import, a confirmation screen will list all of the imported and updated extensions.
If any errors occur importing or updating an extension, they will appear separately.